峨眉山短英文介绍150字 峨眉山的英文介绍



Emei Mountain in Jin Yong's works is a women's mountain, gentle and beautiful, but fierce and arrogant. No matter whether there was Zhou Zhiruo or extinct nun here, this slender mountain like Emei is always yearning.
Located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, Mount Emei has become a world natural and cultural heritage with its "majestic, beautiful, divine, strange and spiritual" and profound Buddhist culture.
Emei Mountain has rich natural heritage, known as "plant kingdom", "Animal Park" and "Geological Museum", and has the praise of "Emei is the world show".
Emei Mountain has a profound cultural heritage, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, and is famous for worshiping the universal sages and Bodhisattvas. In the long history, with the tolerance of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, the origin of Taoism, the beginning of Buddhism and the realm of Confucianism have been formed, and they have been passed on to the present.
At present, with Buddhist culture as the core, there are nearly 30 temples, including Baoguo temple, Fuhu temple, Wannian temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Huazang temple, etc.
At present, with Buddhist culture as the core, there are nearly 30 temples, including Baoguo temple, Fuhu temple, Wannian temple, Qingyin Pavilion, Huazang temple, etc.


【General Introduction】
Mount Emei is a mountain in Sichuan Province, China, and is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. Mt. Emei sits at the western rim of the Sichuan Basin. The mountains west of it are known as Daxiangling. A large surrounding area of countryside is geologically known as the Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province, a large igneous province generated by the Emeishan Traps volcanic eruptions during the Permian Period. At 3,099 metres (10,167 ft), Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China.[2]
Administratively, Mt. Emei is located near the county-level city of the same name (Emeishan City), which is in turn part of the prefecture-level city of Leshan. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
【As a sacred mountain】
Mount Emei is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China, and is traditionally regarded as the bodhimaṇḍa, or place of enlightenment, of the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. Samantabhadra is known in Mandarin as Pǔxián Púsà (普贤菩萨).
16th and 17th century sources allude to the practice of martial arts in the monasteries of Mount Emei[4] made the earliest extant reference to the Shaolin Monastery as Chinese boxing's place of origin.
【Sunrise and clouds sea】
Great spectacles of Mount Emei include the sunrise and Clouds Sea seen from the Golden Summit of the mountain.
The sunrise is very varied, but optimally begins with the ground and sky being in the same dark purple, soon showing rosy clouds, followed by a bright purple arc and then a semicircle where the sun is coming up.
The Clouds Sea includes several cloud phenomena, e.g. clouds appearing in the sky above, in addition to the regular clouds beneath.
【Indigenous animals】
Visitors to Mount Emei will likely see dozens of Tibetan Macaques who can often be viewed taking food from tourists. Local merchants sell nuts for tourists to feed the monkeys. Some monkeys may be seen eating human food such as potato chips and even drinking soda from discarded bottles.
The Emei Shan Liocichla, a passerine bird, as well as the Emei Music Frog, a vocal frog, are named after the site.
Mount Emei is known for its high level of endemism and approximately 200 plant species in various plant families have been described from this mountain.

百度雅安旅游景点介绍英文 英文的景点介绍
峨眉山位于北纬30°附近,四川省西南部,四川盆地的西南边缘,是中国“四大佛教名山”之一,地势陡峭,风景秀丽,素有“峨眉天下秀”之称,山上的万佛顶最高,海拔3099米,高出峨眉平原2700多米。 描写雅安的英语作文雅安是四川省历史文化名城、新兴的旅游城和四川省环境优美示范城市,在英语中也有关于描写雅安的作文题材,那你...

翻译成英文应该是这样:Mount Emei is famous for its beautiful scenery.你们这些学生真的是,每次来提个问又没有一个要采纳的意思,白白降低我们的采纳率,以后拒绝回答学生的提问。

是中国四大山脉佛教徒认为是神圣的。它被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录,1996年。山绵延200多公里,从南到北。其主峰,万佛顶,是3099米海拔。自古以来峨眉山被形容为“天下之美” 。寺庙早在东汉时期建( 25 - 220)和佛教传入山中的晋朝。在明,清两代有超过150寺庙。

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英语Mount Emei怎么翻译?
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