迈克尔杰克逊的一首歌曲 我不知道叫什么,那首歌好像是在一个宫廷里演唱的,还有蛇、宫女、和一个女王 迈克尔杰克逊有一首歌好像有一句how gotta it fe...

迈克尔杰克逊有一首歌好像有一句how gotta it feel42还是什么的,不记得勒,还有一首歌在演唱会上迈克...

Stranger in Moscow 莫斯科的陌生人   I was wandering in the rain 我徘徊雨中   Mask of life, feeling insane 生活的假面,令人疯癫欲狂   Swift and sudden fall from grace 飞速坠落,众神不再眷顾   Sunny days seem far away 艳阳天似乎还是遥不可及
  Kremlin's shadow belittling me 克宫阴影投射,使我显得如此渺小   Stalin's tomb won't let me be 斯大林之墓不会听任我自由   On and on and on it came 慢慢地,它来了   Wish the rain would just let me 希望这雨终能令我畅怀   How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   When you're alone 当你孤单时   And you're cold inside 你一定感到寒彻骨髓   Here abandoned in my fame 我的传说在尘世被无情抛弃   Armageddon of the brain 胸中善恶对峙,决战在即   KGB was dogging me 克格勃悄然尾随,无处不在   Take my name and just let me be 捕去我名,使我自由吧   Then a begger boy called my name 小乞丐叫着我的名字   Happy days will drown the pain 欢乐的日子就要驱散那些痛苦   On and on and on it came 慢慢地,它来了   And again, and again, and again... 不断地,不断地浸入……   Take my name and just let me be 捕去我名,使我自由吧
  How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel (How does it feel now) 这是什么感觉(此刻是什么感觉)   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   When you're alone 当你孤单的时候   And you're cold inside 你一定感到寒彻骨髓   How does it feel (How does it feel) 这是什么感觉(这是什么感觉)   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel (How does it feel now) 这是什么感觉(此刻是什么感觉)   How does it feel 什么感觉   How does it feel 什么感觉   When you're alone 当你孤单的时候   And you're cold inside 你一定感到寒彻骨髓   Like a stranger in Moscow 宛如一个莫斯科的过客   Lord I must say 我必须说   Like a stranger in Moscow 宛如一个莫斯科的过客   Lord I must say 我必须说
  We're talking danger 我们谈话很危险   We're talking danger, baby 我们谈话很危险,宝贝   Like a stranger in Moscow 就像一个莫斯科的陌生人   We're talking danger 我们谈话很危险   We're talking danger, baby 我们谈话很危险,宝贝   Like stranger in Moscow 就像是一个在莫斯科的陌生人   I'm live in lonely 我居住在寂寞里   I'm live in lonely, baby 我居住在寂寞里,宝贝   Stranger in Moscow 陌生人在莫斯科   I'm live in lonely 我居住在寂寞里   I'm live in lonely, baby 我居住在寂寞里,宝贝   Stranger in Moscow 陌生人在莫斯科   (注:KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti:苏联国家安全委员会,俗称“克格勃”)   注解:这是一首自传体歌曲。Michael Jackson在俄罗斯的酒店里,听着楼下无数歌迷的热烈欢呼,内心却感到无比孤独,于是在立刻创作了此曲。

歌手:Michael Jackson
所属专辑:Michael Jackson's Vision
作词:Rod Temperton
作曲:Rod Temperton
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
午夜时分 魔鬼在暗处隐藏
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
月光之下 这幅景象几乎能让你心脏停止
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
想要尖叫 恐怖却让你声带失效
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,
浑身冰凉 惊骇眼中闪光
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
没人能救你于 猛兽之口
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight
你正和你内心的恐惧博弈 ,这是颤栗之夜
You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
门猛地关上 你意识到无处可逃
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
手脚冰凉 不知能否得见明日朝阳
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind
时时刻刻 你都听见鬼怪在偷偷来到身旁
You're out of time
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes
与百眼妖魔的战斗 不是你死就是我亡
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight
你正和你内心的恐惧博弈 ,这是颤栗之夜
Night creatures call
And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time
(they're open wide)
This is the end of your life
They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side
它们出来抓你 恶灵四面逼近
They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial
它们将迷住你 除非你掉头离去
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together
现在正是时候 让我们紧拥一起
All thru the night I'll save you from the terrors on the screen,
整个夜晚 我会把你从那些妖魔的手中救出
I'll make you see
That it's a thriller, thriller night
这是颤栗之夜 颤栗之夜
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try
没有一个鬼怪能比我 更让你不知所措
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,
让我紧紧将你拥抱 共享这个迷人、静谧、惊悚的
Thriller here tonight
That it's a thriller, thriller night
这是颤栗之夜 颤栗之夜
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try
没有一个鬼怪能比我 更让你不知所措
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,
让我紧紧将你拥抱 共享这个迷人、静谧、惊悚的
Darkness falls across the land
The midnite hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

John Landis在现场接受NBC《今日》节目采访时表示,当时由于《颤栗》没筹到钱,差点没拍成。因为《颤栗》已经卖得很好,唱片公司不想再砸钱进来做一部这样的录影。Michael虽然想自己掏钱,但John Landis不同意,最终,他们找来了MTV作财务支持。
不过Landis和合伙人George Folsey想到了别人没有想到的渠道,那就是有线电视网。“表演时间”频道当年只有300万户的订户,当《颤栗》在洛杉矶上映并获得热烈反响后,“表演时间”决定跟进。

Remember the time

Remember The Time 记住这一刻。

Remember The Time (Michael Jackson / Dangerous) 导演:John Sinelton 拍摄地点及时间:1991 片长:9'19 分首映曰期:1992 编舞:Fatima 主要演员:Michael Jackson,喜剧演员Eddie Murphy,名模 Iman,NBA巨星“魔术师”约翰逊 简评:Michael Jackson在剧中扮演一个博得郁郁寡欢的埃及王妃Nefertiti芳心并因此激怒法老惹来杀身之祸的魔术师。 “变形”特技再一次出色的运用,Michael Jackson的以金色细沙中褪现最终又变成金色细沙随风而逝。“Remember the Time”比“The Way You Make Me Feel”浪漫不了多少。Michael花费大量时间在那抱怨他爱的人如何抛弃他。但是舞蹈部分却相当不错。整个音乐录影中, Michael 看起来似乎比其他舞者努力10倍——当然他也要负责所有的演唱部分。不过有谣传说由于Michael Jackson档期紧凑,他的模仿者E'Casanova甚至都代替它出现在音乐录影中的一些镜头。


michael Jackson - Remember the time

是you‘re not alone

remember the time 危险这张专辑


今晚天天向上离得一首迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊的歌是啥? 就是欧弟模仿的那一段,很好听,但我不知道是什么名字?谁知道啊?节奏感很好,这首歌经常刚在娱乐节目上用,我所知道的就这些~我说的是中间的那段,不是开头的那个!... 就是欧弟模仿的那一段,很好听,但我不知道是什么名字?谁知道啊?节奏感很好,这首歌...

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求 迈克尔杰克逊 的一首歌
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《天下一家》(也有称作《四海一家》)(We are the World),歌曲名,1985年,流行之王-迈克尔杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱写该曲子,后由迈克尔·杰克逊独自填词完成。由美国45位歌星联合演唱,昆西·琼斯负责制作,旨在声援向非洲饥民捐款的大型慈善活动“美国援非”。We Are The World 四海一家There ...



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